You love scuba diving but you want to do it for a living. But what are the scuba jobs available? There are enough scuba diving careers to keep you on a Caribbean island doing something you love and getting paid to do it. There are some things to consider before quitting your cubicle job...
- Which is the best Caribbean island to work on?
- Which dive resort should you choose?
- What income should you expect?
- Do you have the relevant certification?
- Do you like meeting new people on a regular basis?
Luckily for you there is a demand for persons who want to learn to dive. A lot of job research is necessary. Country research, get to understand the background of the island you want to spend time on. What about the political climate of the country, have you considered that? Or did you expect your job to be about pina coladas and tans? Do you plan to live and work for 6 months, 1 year or 5 years? What is the cost of living in your country of choice? These are just a few of the questions you need to consider and the research that needs to done to ensure that there are no surprises when you land on a tropical island.
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