Scuba Diving Jobs

Find yourself in the Caribbean doing what you are most passionate about

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Scuba diving jobs in the Caribbean are in high demand. Would you like to spend endless days in the sun doing something you're passionate about?

You need to make sure that you are able to uproot from your present lifestyle and make the best decisions.

You can become a not so glamourous but well paid commercial diver, or a scuba instructor on a busy tropical island.

In any case, how are you going to find your perfect dive career? How are you going to prove to a dive company owner you're not just another loafer? You're going to have to market yourself. But in order to do that you need some necessary skills that stand out from the hundreds of job applications that dive resorts receive every year. Not only underwater skills get you seen. It is what you do before you get there, even before you send your CV that counts the most.

There is a lot to be considered when you decide to move to the Caribbean for a scuba diving job. Here is my review on a well put together book that can help you find your perfect scuba job. It is written by an Aussie but his guidelines apply globally.

So I hope to see you somewhere in the Caribbean soon, soaking up some sun and be sure to enjoy the island life!

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